Sitemap - 2021 - Building Blocks

When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?

Courage on the Railroad: The life of a heroine

An ode to fertilizer

How to stop arguing like an idiot

Parkinson's Law: An antidote to long meetings

The End of History Illusion

What made Winston Churchill one of history's greatest orators?

Who needs Elon Musk if we have Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong?

The Weakness of Strength Theory

9/11 Special: Part 4 - The day of the attacks

9/11 Special: Part 3 - Flight school

9/11 Special: Part 2 - The men from Hamburg

9/11 Special: Part 1 - The origins of the plot

The Lindy Effect

Don't half-ass it

The Fosbury Flop

The Science of Persuasion

Art Deco architecture

The early years of Osama bin Laden

Amor Fati

A human's best friend

Ending Malaria

Stolpersteine and Anne Frank

Keystone species

The Sovereign Individual

Two-Minute-Tuesday: Kintsugi Art

The Friday Coffee: Why I'm learning more about climate change

Two-Minute-Tuesday: Data, Maritime Choke Points and Condors

Two-Minute-Tuesday: Which vs That, Hedonic Adaptation and Beeple (again)

The Friday Coffee: Hukumuri's journey

Two-Minute-Tuesday: Cubism, The Evolution of Music and Dave Grohl

The Friday Coffee: A fresh start

Two-Minute-Tuesday: Flyways

The Friday Coffee: The China Quiz

Two-Minute-Tuesday: The 2 Minute Rule

Art (NFTs), The Anchoring Effect and Seasons

Art, Hanlon's razor and writing

Crypto and the man in the arena

Talent stacking and life expectancy

The Uighurs, Perception and Architecture

Strategy, health and war

The next step. What I learned running the Comrades marathon