Loved the piece on talent stacking.

To further the notion of increased life expectancy - in his book Sapiens (it could be Homo Deus, or both, I forget) Yuval Noah Harari writes about the Gilgamesh project and how deciphering the secrets of human biochemistry could result in humans becoming a-mortal (not immortal, because we could still die of some accident, but a-mortal, meaning that in the absence of fatal trauma our lives could be extended indefinitely).

Sound far fetched?

Consider that Richard the Lionhart died of an arrow in his shoulder - today a minor injury.

Al Capone died of syphilis - totally treatable today.

Imagine which other conditions today considered fatal will be treatable in 50 years' time...

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You hit the nail on the head. The idea of a living to 140 was inspired by what I read in Homo Deus.

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